Amir (Seyedmojtaba) Seyedmousavi. or
Jacques Guillot.
Sybren de Hoog
PVania Vicente
Mihai Mares
Mark Krockenberger
Daniel Elad
Walter. Boeger
Eduardo Bagagli
Bozena Dworecka-Kaszak
Selene Dall' Acqua Coutinho
Akinyi Nyaoke
Amy M. Grooters
René Chermette
Andrea Peano
Zdenek Hubalek
Sergio Álvarez-Pérez
Sandra de Moraes Gimenes Bosco
Coordinators: Board members 2022-2025
The Veterinary Mycology Working Group has been established in 2010 by a group of experts under the umbrella of International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM) to support all scientific aspects that deals with mycology and veterinary sciences, including:
We aim to share expertise among all countries around the globe to provide a strong framework of existing knowledge, as we may learn a lot from each other. We collaborate with other ISHAM-working groups, international societies, regulatory agencies and governmental authorities.
Please note:
The ISHAM-Veterinary Mycology Working Group has more than 200 expert members from all around the world. To join our team, please submit your interest through this link: Membership ISHAM Working group Veterinary Mycology and One Health
Contact us:
Thank you!
ISHAM-Veterinary Mycology Team and One Health Team
General meetings and educational activities:
2nd International Veterinary Mycology Course (Advanced Veterinary Mycology Workshop)”, 28-29 June 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
See here
Scientific session during ISHAM 2018 Congress in Amsterdam (July 1st 2018): Session 3.4: Veterinary Mycology Working Group
Joint symposium between ISHAM-Veterinary Mycology and European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, Imperial College, South Kensington, London (UK) (September 7th 2017). Photo here.
Joint symposium between ISHAM-Veterinary Mycology and Medical Phycology working groups, September 8th 2016, Kanagawa, Japan. Photo here.
First General Meeting in ISHAM Congress (June 13th 2012), Berlin, Germany. Photo here.
Official launch of Veterinary Mycology Working Group and second announcement in ISHAM news (October 3rd 2011)
First announcement for Veterinary Mycology initiative in ISHAM news (March 3rd 2010)
Books published
Emerging and Epizootic Fungal Infections. Springer publishing Co. Editors: Seyedmousavi S., Guillot J.G., de Hoog G.S., Verweij P.E (2018)
1. Distribution of Pathogens and Outbreak Fungi in the Fungal Kingdom: Sybren de Hoog, Sarah A. Ahmed, Patrizia Danesi, Jacques Guillot, and Yvonne Gräser.
2. Epidemiological Definitions, Terminology and Classifications with Reference to Fungal Infections of Animals: Matthew C. Fisher.
3. Common and Emerging Dermatophytoses in Animals: Well-Known and New Threats: Vit Hubka, Andrea Peano, Adela Cmokova, and Jacques Guillot.
4. Coccidioidomycosis in Animals. Bridget Marie Barker.
5. Histoplasmosis in Animals. Jacques Guillot, Christine Guérin, and René Chermette.
6. Paracoccidioidomycosis in Animals and Humans. Sandra de Moraes Gimenes Bosco and Eduardo Bagagli.
7. Adiaspiromycosis and Diseases Caused by Related Fungi in Ajellomycetaceae. Andrew M. Borman, Yanping Jiang, Karolina Dukik, Lynne Sigler, Ilan S. Schwartz, and Sybren de Hoog.
8. Blastomycosis in Mammals. Ilan S. Schwartz
9. Paracoccidioidomycosis ceti (Lacaziosis/Lobomycosis) in Dolphins. Raquel Vilela and Leonel Mendoza.
10. Feline Sporotrichosis. Anderson Messias Rodrigues, Sybren de Hoog, and Zoilo Pires de Camargo.
11. Lethargic Crab Disease: Now You See, Now You Don’ t: Vania A. Vicente, Raphael Orélis-Ribeiro, Sybren de Hoog, and Walter A. Boeger.
12. Cryptococcosis: Emergence of Cryptococcus gattii in Animals and Zoonotic Potential: Karuna Singh, Macit Ilkit, Tahereh Shokohi, Ali Tolooe, Richard Malik, and Seyedmojtaba Seyedmousavi.
13. White-Nose Syndrome in Hibernating Bats: Gudrun Wibbelt.
14. Chytridiomycosis: An Martel, Frank Pasmans, Matthew C. Fisher, Laura F. Grogan, Lee F. Skerratt, and Lee Berger.
15. Feline Aspergillosis: Vanessa R. Barrs.
16. Antifungal Use in Veterinary Practice and Emergence of Resistance: Seyedmojtaba Seyedmousavi, Nathan P. Wiederhold, Frank Ebel, Mohammad T. Hedayati, Haleh Rafati, and Paul Verweij.
Book in preparation
Atlas of Veterinary Fungi. Editors: de Hoog, G.S., Seyedmousavi S., Guillot J.G., Danesi, P. (2015-2020)
Journal Articles
Seyedmousavi S et al. Fungal infections in animals: a patchwork of different situations. Med Mycol. 2018; 56 (Suppl 1):165-187. doi: 10.1093/mmy/myx104.
Seyedmousavi S et al. Aspergillus and aspergilloses in wild and domestic animals: a global health concern with parallels to human disease. Med Mycol. 2015 Nov;53:765-97. doi: 10.1093/mmy/myv067.
Seyedmousavi S et al. Neglected fungal zoonoses: hidden threats to man and animals. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2015;21:416-25. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2015.02.031.
Seyedmousavi S et al. Black yeasts and their filamentous relatives: principles of pathogenesis and host defence. Clin Micro Rev. 2014; 27:572-542. doi: 10.1128/CMR.00093-13.
Seyedmousavi S et al. Phaeohyphomycosis, emerging opportunistic diseases in animals. Clin Micro Rev. 2013; 26:19-35. doi: 10.1128/CMR.00065-12.